I would not fancy myself a poet. There are many poems that I read that I don’t get. But when I read a poem that I like I keep it around and reread it whenever I have the urge to feel a shiver go down my spine.
I’ve been writing poetry since elementary school. Most of what I wrote in my teenage years were angsty and emotional. Now I write the occaisonal poem when the urge strikes.
Below is a list of poems that I love (with a minor commentary about why I love it) and a list of poems that I have written that are suitable for general consumption (the angsty teeage poems shall remain burried for all of time.)
Alvaro Serrano @ Unsplash
The Professionals
Wind and Window Flower - by Robert Frost
IF - by Ruyard Kipline
Self-Pity - by D. H. Lawrence
The Bridge Builder - W. Dromgoole
Invictus - William Ernest Henley
Horatius - Thomas Macaulay
Nothing Gold Can Stay - Robert Frost
Goblin Men - Christina Rossetti
The Death Bed - Siegfried Sassoon
Ruvim Noga @ Unsplash
Aaron Burden @ Unsplash