When Death Do Us Part - A Poem

I wrote this poem fairly young. I think that I was under the impression that in order to be a good poet I should think deeply and write often about death and mortality. This led me to sitting down at my parent’s kitchen table and writing a poem about death. A while later I came up with When Death Do Us Part. I refined it along the way, but the majority of it is still the initial thoughts I had as a kid.

I can’t remember why I had it with me in Grade 7, but I suspect that it had something to do with my English teacher at the time who was one of my strongest encouragers when it came to writing. Regardless, I had a printed verion of it in my backpack one day when word came in that one of my class mates had lost his mother, who had long been battling cancer. We were asked as a class if we wanted to write notes to pass along to him. I didn’t know what to write, so I sent a copy of my poem.


I’m not sure if it was ever read or if it brought any comfort. But I hope that the act of sending it along was enough to let him know that there were people thinking about him.

Chapter 20 of Sacrifice is now available on Wattpad.


Into Madness - Part 3