So You Want to Be a Wizard - Book Review
One of my the book series that I started reading young and has only gotten better with age is the Young Wizards series starting with So You Want to be a Wizard by Diane Duane. It is an interesting combination of magic and science. Our pre-teen and teen wizards can use the magical speech, that all things in the universe understands, to do things like transport themselves to the moon. But, first you’re going to need to know the correct mix of Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon, Carbon Dioxide and trace elements in the earth’s atmosphere and how much you’re going to need to take with you for your trip. (For the nerdy amongst us they are N = 78%, O = 21%, Ar = 0.93%, and CO2 = 0.04%.) The first time I read this series I was probably 10-11 and have to admit to skimming over the more technical parts and still greatly enjoying the adventure and friendships between characters. As I’ve gotten older (and moderately more knowledgeable) I’ve been impressed by the level of scientific detail that has been incorporated into her stories and magical discussion.