Anne of Green Gables - Review

For any one who enjoys writing I would highly recommend an encounter with Anne Shirley. The first time I heard the story was when my mom read it to me and my siblings. We were going to Prince Edward island for vacation and my mom wanted us to have heard the story before we went to Anne’s house. So, every afternoon for a few weeks the four of us would sit out on the front step and while the kids ate popsicle my mom would read it out loud.

As a kid I remembered the highlights of the story … Anne waiting at the train station, her friendship with Dianna, the first encounter with Gilbert which ended in a shattered slate, and of course the green hair fiasco. It wasn’t until I went back to read it as an adult that I realized how advanced the language was and how detailed and whimsical the descriptions of the island were. Now when I reread it is not only for the story of a spunky orphan who finds a home, but also for the beautiful use of language. There is the added advantage of 7 more books to read when you finished the first. Below is a picture of the book set my mom read to us from (and which I may have made off with as an adult.)


PS. If you have any question as to how much my mother loves the book, may I point out that my middle name is Anne … with an “E”!

Looking for other recomendations? Chapter 10 of Sacrifics is now available on Wattpad.


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